It seems that old is new again ! In cities throughout the U.S. buildings originally built for a specific purpose: banks, office buildings, schools and warehouses are being converted or "re-purposed" into other uses, but in particular into restaurants and hotels. In Cincinnati alone there are three projects undergoing renovation for their new life as hotels (Old School for the Performing Arts, Enquirer Building and Bartlett Building). Recently, theNew York Times highlighted examples of re-purposing which are on-going throughout the country. While this is not a new or novel idea, what is exciting and interesting is the focus on hospitality. Could that signal that financing is flowing into hospitality uses in favor of other traditional uses ? Or, that central business districts where older buildings are generally situated are having a renaissance ? Or, both ? These projects are ripe for historic and new market tax credit financing. So, keep an eye out for the opportunity to save a piece of history and culture and bring life into your central business district.