We have been watching a wonderful adaptive reuse of an old machine shop in Cincinnati as it is transformed into the new home of the The Children’s Theater of Cincinnati. Peter Horton of Terrex Development & Construction is managing the construction and design of the new facility. Pete gave us a tour of the facility just prior to Thanksgiving when the improvements were still pretty raw. Today, three weeks later we walked through the facility and the progress on the improvements are astonishing.
First of all this facility is a state of the art theater studio and teaching facility for Cincinnati youth interested in the theater arts. The sound insulation, use of dry paint to paint ceilings black, main theater seating, electronics and many other impressive improvements have been installed to make the facility state of the art.
Even more impressive is that the facility will be LEED certified when completed. In that regard, Terrex designed a grey water recycling system which collects rain water off of the roof and holds it for use in the commodes.
Not only is the new facility going to train young thespians in theater arts, it is going to serve as an example that with a little effort we can all do our part to reduce our impact on the environment.
Well done Terrex and The Cincinnati Children’s Theater!