Immigration and Customs Enforcement

The federal government recently announced several changes to U.S. immigration legislation. Two key topics involve increased enforcement efforts of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and changes in request for prevailing wage procedures. 

Preparing for an I-9 Audit or Inspection
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has significantly increased its enforcement
efforts with respect to undocumented workers and Form I-9 recordkeeping. Employers must be prepared to quickly and effectively respond to an ICE-issued Notice of Inspection (NOI). ICE may review the employer’s files in as few as three days from the time the NOI is issued. Often enough, a prompt and complete response to the ICE office handling the investigation will end or significantly curtail their inquiry. In any event, a cooperative employer is far less likely to face fines or sanctioning. With that in mind, employers can prepare themselves for responding to a NOI by ensuring the availability of the following records:

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