Its-the-law-cover-az1I have been told this is a Real Estate Law Blog and that it might be time to blog about real estate law for a change. I know wine and grilled cheese donuts may be more interesting, so bear with me while I transgress.

I just attended and spoke at the International Council of Shopping

Victorian men celebrating with champagneI just attended the ICSC Law conference in Orlando where I led, along with Maggie Sitko of Sitko Bruno in Pittsburgh,  a seminar on letters of intent. Leasing attorneys all appear to be busy and the numbers reflect that as the conference attracted an all-time high attendance.  This is what I learned at the conference:

The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) has its annual law conference in San Diego next week. For any attorney involved in retail leasing, it is a must see event. The seminars are very worthwhile. I have been doing leasing for over 20 years now and still come away from each conference feeling like I learned

The ICSC Law Conference is being held this week in Phoenix. It alternates from the West  to the East each year – this year it’s out West. It is a great conference for any attorney practicing in the retail real estate industry.  Here are the top 10 reasons for attending:

10.    There is a seminar on

“Mixed-use” developments, which incorporate residential units with retail or other commercial uses, have steadily gained in popularity over recent years. This is due to the fact that mixed-use developments offer advantages to developers, owners, tenants and residents when compared to traditional single-purpose developments. Many of today’s home buyers are increasingly interested in living within walking distance